Every woman, throughout her life, will have many questions about how to best manage her health. Each stage in a womans life brings with it specific issues, including decisions about routine care, birth control, fertility, pregnancy and menopause. Women need to feel as if they have a trusted advocate and partner.

Hitankshi nursing Home offers a full spectrum of womens health care services - from yearly checkup and prenatal care to specialized gynecologic care. Our physicians are respected experts in all areas of women’s health. Our physicians wide-range of expertise coupled with our state-of-the-art technology and world-renowned research that affects patient care across the globe makes Hitankshi nursing Home the obvious partner for protecting and preserving your health at any age.It is a fully-equipped department that specialises in handling emergency cases.

:: Special Programmes ::
Birthing Class : We are also among the handful of hospitals in Mumbai that conduct a Birthing Class for expectant mothers and fathers. Expectant Fathers We encourage both parents to participate in the delivery process . Expectant fathers who choose to remain present during their childs delivery maymake a request to the hospitals Nursing Director. However, we advise expectant fathers to attend certain modules of the Birthing Classes and abide by the hospitals rules.

Birth Information Certificate : Before discharge, parents must collect their baby's birth information certificate. Check the details to make sure all the particulars are correct. This document is required to be submitted to the Brihatmumbai Municipal Corporation to apply for your newborns birth certificate. Registering your child’s birth with the municipal authorities is an essential legal process. It is a critical document and has implications for your childs future.

Patient Services : (i)Pre-pregnancy counselling, (ii)High-risk pregnancy Clinic : This clinic, which specialises in early diagnosis and treatment of bad obstetric history (multiple miscarriages, etc.), is run in conjunction with our highly-equipped Neo-Natal Unit, (iii)Ante-natal check-ups , (iv)Emergency obstetric care.